
Find the best time and point of view to take the desired photo. I generally work in color for landscape photography. However, to get the most out of certain scenes, I use black & white.

Landscape photography
Couple walking down the bridge

Street life

Wait for the good moment to find the perfect balance in the composition and find the best light and perspective. I mainly work in black & white for street photography.

Wild life

Patience, patience and calm ! After hundreds of tries, suddenly you get it : the photographic gem of a wild animal.

wildlife photo
Architecture and cityscape


Architecture is the best opportunity to work on lines, symetries, shapes and light.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you photograph other things?

Yes, of course. It could be social or personal events, monuments, objects…

Do you edit your photos?

I shoot in RAW then I edit my photos to magnify the scene. But there is always a limit in this. My rule is to improve the photo by subtle changes and never fall into the trap of over-editing.

Do you have any photography studio equipment?

I have flash lights and light modifiers for studio photography.

Did you win any contests?

I have on occasion submitted my photos to contests and I have already won prizes.

Who inspires you as a photographer?

I’m very interested in paintings and have learned a lot about composition rules from them. Especially chiaroscuro painters (Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Georges de La Tour…). They are a big source of inspiration for me. I also like the realism of some painters like Millet, Courbet, or Repine.

Obviously, there are a lot of photographers I admire like Willy Ronis, Fan Ho, Sebastiao Salgado, Hermann Landshoff, Cartier-Bresson and his “Decisive moment”, Ansel Adams, Brassaï…

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