Legal notice

1. Identification

1.1 Publisher

The website is published by Skywaven Studios – Sebastien Kech, author photographer.

1.2 Company

Skywaven Studios is an individual business (EI) registered in France under the artist-author regime within the SIRENE repertory.

  • Head office : 36 rue du président Wilson, 78230 Le Pecq, France.
  • SIREN : 918 437 955
  • SIRET : 918 437 955 00019
  • APE Code : 7420Z
  • VAT number (EU intra-community) : FR68918437955
  • Director : Sebastien Kech
  • Contact : or Contact form.

1.3 Hosting

Hostinger, headquartered at Hostinger International Ltd, 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus, reachable by the following means:

2. Intellectual property

All photographs, texts, comments, brands, logos, illustrations, images, animated or not, video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications that could be used to make this website work and more generally all the elements reproduced or used on this website are protected by the french and/or international laws in force under intellectual property and more particularly under copyright and trademark law.
They are the full and entire property of the Publisher or its partners, unless otherwise specified. Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, is strictly prohibited. The fact that the Publisher does not initiate proceedings upon becoming aware of these unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of said uses and waiver of prosecution.
They may not be used in any form whatsoever without written permission from the Publisher or its partners, unless otherwise specified, or without having signed a copyright assignment contract for a commercial use.

All rights reserved – Skywaven Studios

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